Cochabamba, Bolivia: Sunrise & Sunset - All times for today
Local time | 12:10 |
End of the night | 05:06 |
Nautical dawn | 05:32 |
Dawn today | 05:58 |
Sunrise today | 06:20 |
End of "Golden Morning Hour" | 06:50 |
Sun zenith, highest point | 12:40 |
Beginning of "Golden Evening Hour" | 18:30 |
Sunset today | 18:59 |
Dusk today | 19:21 |
Nautical dusk | 19:47 |
Beginning of the night | 20:14 |
Darkest hour | 00:40 |
Day length, daylight today | 12 hours and 38 minutes |
Current position of the sun (height) | 81.35 ° |
Current azimuth of the sun | 54.4 ° |
All sunrise & sunset times in Cochabamba, Bolivia
Dawn begins today at 05:58. Shortly afterwards, at 06:20, the sun rises. The "Golden Morning Hour" starts afterwards and ends at 06:50. Around noon, more precisely at 12:40, the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. In the evening, the "golden evening hour" begins at 18:30. and ends with sunset at 18:59. Today ends at dusk at 19:21. Today ends at dusk at 00:40.
For the calculation of the times and movement of the sun, the following coordination was used:
Latitude: -17.3895 ° South, Longitude: -66.1568 ° West
When is the sunrise in Cochabamba, Bolivia?
Sunrise is at 06:20 today. After that, dawn begins at 05:58.
When is the sunset in Cochabamba, Bolivia?
Today's sunset is at 18:59. Dusk sets in at 19:21.
When is the sunrise and sunset tomorrow in Cochabamba, Bolivia?
For tomorrow, Monday, 17. February 2025, sunrise is at 06:21. The sun's highest point will probably occur at 12:40. Sunset in Cochabamba, Bolivia is expected at 19:21.
Moonrise and moonset today in Cochabamba, Bolivia
Moonrise | 21:35 Uhr |
Moonset | 09:35 Uhr |
Height of the moon | -63.42 ° |
Position | The moon is below the horizon |
Distance to earth | ca. 405.583 km |
Illumination | The moon is 84.1% illuminated |
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